
We dream of urban agriculture and green cities, restoring our forests and getting back the eroded land, purifying rivers, oceans full of life again, supporting sustainable education, preserve the Galapagos islands and the uniqueness of every corner on earth. Breaking paradigms and making things work are our biggest pleasures as we move forward. Keeping it positive is the only option in every new goal in this life.

Diana Pazmiño Horra
Co-CEO and Co-founder

Diana is a believer. She believes in the power of love and she loves the feeling of it. Diana is a biologist with an MSc in conservation and natural resource management. She was born and lived in Ecuador until she was 17. She then decided to spend a year as an exchange student in Oklahoma, where she found her soul-family. Her cultural awareness grew as she spent four more years getting her bachelor's degree in Stillwater. The whole experience expanded her perspective and allowed her to see everything with different eyes; this is one of the personal experiences she values the most. She then moved back to Ecuador where she worked in an environmental agency before moving to the UK and getting her Master's degree at Swansea University in Wales. This is also when METIER was first launched to the international market and her sense of style and interest in sustainable fashion matured on her. Diana loves making and wearing hats in METIER. She goes for emotion much more often than for logic. She appreciates little details, the special things in life that make it worthwhile. She likes to express herself and does all she can to make things go well, sometimes even better than well. Always smiling and always with her beloved shih-tzu service dog, Chihiro Marie.

Alessandro Benincasa
Alessandro's family moved to Montecristi -Ecuador from Milan- Italy when he was a baby. Growing up in the countryside of Ecuador gave him the chance to witness first hand the reality of the people living in these areas, his neighbours, his classmates, his friends. The emigration levels of these zones are some of the highest in the country, as the traditional ways of their people have been overlooked leading to family disintegration, one of the fundamental motivations for him to want to be part of a solution. A strong background in customer service and business management along with his dominance of different languages have set Alessandro to lead the expansion of METIER worldwide. Alessandro enjoys meeting new people, his friendly personality has forged strong relationships in every place he has been able to visit and spend time. He is convinced that a positive attitude will always bring a positive outcome no matter the circumstances, and this is what fosters his passion to take on new challenges for the common good. Alessandro thinks of life like a book that you will read only the last of your days in this world and what you will find written there would be your story. About his adventurous spirit that has taken him from the bottom of the ocean to the top of the Andes he replies ”What kind of story would you like to read?  just go out and write your book as you will love it to be!”.


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